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How to apply

Emperor Masonry Creme

A job done right is a job done once. When it comes to applying Emperor Masonry Creme, by following our instructions anyone can achieve professional results that stand the test of time.

Before anything it is important to make sure the temperature is above 5°C during application and for the full duration of the drying time. Similarly ensure you pick a dry day with no risk of rainfall, so you have the time you need to apply Emperor Masonry Creme and for it to fully dry.

1. Clean

As with any decorating project, cleaning is the first step. This is to ensure the masonry is clean and free from dirt, debris or contamination. Cleaning not only helps it to perform, but also as Emperor Masonry Creme is an invisible treatment, cleaning ensures the wall looks its best.

Cleaning is a two step process. Firstly, wash the masonry down with a pressure washer (on a low pressure setting), hosepipe or a stiff brush and hot water. Use a wire brush to remove any large areas of organic growth. Once dry apply Emperor Masonry Cleaner where there are problems with organic growth. This contains a fungicide which kills any fungus, ensuring it cannot continue to bloom once treated.

Simply apply the cleaner to the wall using a brush, roller or pump-sprayer and allow this to dry for 2-3 hours at 20°C. Once dry, wash the cleaner off the wall to remove any residue.

2. Repair

Repairing the masonry is just as important when applying Emperor Masonry Creme as it is when applying a paint. This is because any defects in the wall will allow moisture to enter the masonry, impacting the performance. Check the surface is sound and make any repairs to the masonry, such as filling cracks, spalling and holes.

A masonry repair filler will be effective at filling any cracks on the masonry, but ensure you make any repairs as discrete as possible for the best finish. Any spalling bricks can be repaired by removing the brick and replacing it or by adding a brick slip to the face of the brick. Finally, ensure you remove any previous paint from the surface as Emperor Masonry Creme is for bare masonry only.

3. Apply

Once the masonry is sound and clean, it is time to apply Emperor Masonry Creme. Remember, there is no need to apply a primer as they are only for coloured paints. Applying Emperor Masonry Creme is different to a masonry paint. Think of it in the same way as a moisturiser which absorbs into the masonry.

Simply apply one-coat of Emperor Masonry Creme with a brush, long-pile roller or airless spray machine at 3-5m2 per litre. You are looking to simply lay the product on to the surface of the masonry rather than pushing it into the surface. You want to cover the masonry fully so only a small amount of the brickwork can be seen through the coating. After applying check for any missed areas and fill these areas using a brush.

Applying penetrating damp treatments to wall

4. Allow to cure

Once applied, simply leave the treatment to naturally soak into the wall. It can take 1-2 hours at 20°C for Emperor Masonry Creme to fully soak into the masonry, which can be longer at lower temperatures.

Once fully dry, the masonry will be completely natural without changing in appearance in any way. The only difference will be that now the previously porous masonry will completely repel water and dirt, thanks to our Emperor super hydrophobic technology.


Want to print this guide for when you need it? We recommend downloading this guide and the product datasheet so you have everything you need for when you start painting.

Download this guide

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to start working?

Emperor Masonry Creme will be dry after approximately 2 hours, in which time it will be showerproof and fully waterproof. The full beading effect of the super hydrophobic technology may take up to 24 hours after application, while it cures into the masonry.

Can I apply a paint over Emperor Masonry Creme?

No, Emperor Masonry Creme will repel paint just like water. It is designed for the long-term protection of natural masonry, which is why if you want all of the benefits of Emperor Masonry Creme but want a painted finish, you should use Emperor Masonry Paint.

What surfaces can I apply Emperor Masonry Creme to?

Emperor Masonry Creme can be applied to any natural mineral surface, including brick, stone, concrete and sandstone. These surfaces all allow the treatment to absorb into the wall, which is what it required in order to dry and cure. Any painted surface would prevent this, which is why Emperor Masorny Creme can only be used on bare, unpainted surfaces.

When is Emperor Masonry Creme showerproof?

Emperor Masonry Creme is touch dry and showerproof in 1-2 hours at 20°C. This takes longer at lower temperatures.

Do I need to apply Emperor Exterior Cleaner?

The simple answer is it depends. If there is any signs of organic growth such as mildew, algae and lichens then yes, you do need to apply Emperor Exterior Cleaner to be covered by our lifetime guarantee. If you do not apply the cleaner, this organic growth could continue to bloom and over-time cause problems.

The reality is, some organic growth is not visible, which is why we recommend that everyone applies Emperor Exterior Cleaner before application, just to be safe. After all, by applying it you can have full peace of mind knowing that there is nothing that can cause problems in the long-term.

What will happen if I don't stick to the recommended coverage rate?

Emperor Masonry Creme must be applied at the 3-5m2 per litre coverage rate specified. If you don’t apply enough it won’t be able to provide full weather protection. If you apply too much, the masonry won’t be able to absorb all of the treatment and will cause it not too fully dry into the surface. As a guide, the majority of the masonry should be white with a small amount of the masonry still slightly visible.

How much do I need?

With a coverage of 3-5m2 and one-coat required, a 10L tub of Emperor Masonry Creme will cover 30-50m2. As a guide a mid-terrace property is 40m2, so you would need roughly 10L for this size. Why not try our handy quantity calculator to estimate how much Emperor Masonry Creme you will need?

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